Garden - GF recipes - Gluten Free

Homemade Basil Pesto {Gluten Free}

Basil, oh how I adore thee! You are, without a doubt, my ALL TIME FAVORITE herb. The mere thought of your fragrant leaves fills me with joy and culinary inspiration. And you know what’s even more wonderful? Basil is super easy to grow! Yes, you heard that right. Even if you’re a novice gardener, you can successfully nurture this delightful herb in your own home.

Now, let’s talk about the wonders that unfold when you cultivate basil. Pesto! Ah, pesto. It becomes an essential part of my cooking repertoire whenever I have fresh basil at my fingertips. The vibrant green color, the aromatic basil, the nutty pine nuts, the sharpness of garlic, the richness of Parmesan cheese, and the luxuriousness of olive oil – all beautifully blended into a captivating symphony of flavors. Truly, basil elevates any dish to new heights.

So, my dear friends, if you haven’t ventured into the realm of growing your own basil, I encourage you to do so. Embrace the simplicity of growing this remarkable herb, and let the magic of basil-infused dishes enchant your kitchen and your taste buds.

Homemade Pesto

Like most herbs, Basil is super easy to grow. Basil is an annual plant, which means it completes its life cycle in one growing season. It does NOT like the cold AT ALL. If the temperatures fall around 40 degrees Fahrenheit, it turns black and sadly, it is no longer the vibrant basil we cherish. Therefore, it’s essential to provide the right conditions for basil to thrive, ensuring it receives sufficient warmth and sunlight. With this, you can cultivate a healthy and flourishing basil plant in your garden or indoor herb collection.

Basil is a delightful herb that is not only flavorful but also super easy to start from seed. I always like to buy a few plugs that are all ready started for me so I have a batch that comes on sooner in the summer than my seeded plants. This way, I can enjoy a continuous supply of fresh basil throughout the season. The process of growing basil from seed or plugs is quite rewarding, and having a combination of both ensures a plentiful harvest. Additionally, the aroma of fresh basil in the garden is simply delightful and adds to the overall enjoyment of the outdoor space. Whether it’s for enhancing culinary delights or simply enjoying the beauty and fragrance of the plant, growing basil is a wonderful experience for any home gardener.

Homemade Pesto

I grow a huge patch of Basil because homemade pesto (recipe below) is my most FAVORITE thing in the whole world! I make big batches and freeze it, so I can enjoy garden fresh Pesto ALL. YEAR. LONG.

Homemade pesto is truly a labor of love that brings so much joy to countless meals. There’s something deeply satisfying about cultivating your own basil and transforming it into a delectable, aromatic pesto. The vibrant green color and fresh herbaceous aroma of homemade pesto truly encapsulate the essence of summer. With your abundant basil patch, you have the perfect canvas to create this delightful culinary masterpiece.

Homemade Pesto

Pesto, with its blend of basil, pine nuts, garlic, parmesan cheese, and olive oil, is a versatile and vibrant addition to an array of dishes. From classic pasta dishes to creative culinary creations, the possibilities are endless. The thought of having homemade pesto readily available throughout the year is simply marvelous. Find a few of my recipes using Pesto here, here, here, here.

The flavors of summer can be captured and savored, even during the coldest winter days. What a wonderful way to extend the joy of your garden harvest and savor the fruits of your labor throughout the year.

Homemade Pesto

For Basil to thrive and develop into a lush, full plant with an abundance of flavorful leaves, it’s essential to prevent it from flowering. By promptly pinching off any emerging flower buds and encouraging lateral growth, you can ensure that the plant channels its energy into leaf production, resulting in a more robust and flavorful harvest. This practice, known as “pinching,” involves removing the developing flower buds as soon as they appear and guiding the plant’s growth towards a bushier and more productive form. With this simple yet effective technique, you can savor the finest qualities of your basil throughout the growing season.

The more you pinch and use your basil, the more your plant will produce!

Here are a few things that a a definite must for pesto making.

I use this Food Processor, but a High Powered Blender work also (but a food processor is defiantly better). I use these glass jars, in two sizes. Here and here. Garden snips are super helpful in pinching and cutting basil. And I love a basket to cut and place basil in when making a large harvest for pesto.

Homemade Pesto

Homemade Basil Pesto


  • 2 cups basil leaves, packed (I prefer Genovese oe Sweet Basil for my pesto)
  • 1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese (from a block, Not pre shredded)
  • 1/3 cup pine nuts
  • 2-4 clove of garlic, minced
  • 1/2 cup good olive oil
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • Wash basil. Separate stems from leaves.
  • Pulse all ingredients, except olive oil, in a food processor or blender until chopped.
  • With food processor (or blender) running, add the olive oil in a slow, steady stream until incorporated and smooth.
  • Pesto can be used immediately. If making ahead or storing in the freezer, pour pesto into containers, top with a thin layer of olive oil (Do NOT skip this step*), and top with a lid. Refrigerate.
  • Freeze whatever you can't use in the next week. *See note below.


*I usually 6 to 8 times this recipe when I’d like to freeze some for winter! That’s about what fits into my 16 cup food processor. I freeze mine in either half pint jelly jars or 4 ounce jelly jars.
*You can use any container you’d like, as long as it has a lid! No Ziploc bags!  The Pesto MUST be covered with a thin layer of oil, or it will oxidize and turn dark.

Go get a Basil patch planted in your garden! You will be in heaven all year!

Xo, Carly

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12 Comments on “Homemade Basil Pesto {Gluten Free}

  1. This is amazing! Your pesto is the best. Thank you for sharing!!! Can’t wait to try it out on my own. What is your favorite way to use pesto in the kitchen? Pasta? Chicken?

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